Friday, May 8, 2009

RIP Rav 4?

Our Rav 4, which was the first car I EVER bought...and one of the very few things I actually OWN in this world, quite possibly may have shit the bed.

She just stopped working today, and stranded Mr. KK on the side of the highway.

I believe she is just acting out, because yesterday was her 12th (yes, twelfth) birthday, and I forget to sing to her.

She being towed away to the garage as I write this...


Andy - Instafather said...

Will you have a memorial service for her? Please take photos and say a few words.

I can't believe you still have it... that's pretty smart, as you haven't had to make payments on it in forever

Lori Whitwam said...


I realized that the 1999 Chevy Cavalier I inherited from my late father in 5/2000 is... old. And has almost 100K miles on it. I'm starting to fear for his life. His name is Penrod.

The Sorority said...

I had Bella the Volkswagon Golf for almost 15 years until one day, she decided that it was time for me to say good bye as she wanted to retire.

Maybe Rav is trying to tell you it is time to let go?

How mad was Mr. KK at being stranded along the side of the highway?