Saturday, May 5, 2012

shut up so I can read, por favor.

Mr. KK and I just returned from a mini-vacation in Puerto Rico.

I say 'mini' because it was only 5 days, and I'm already home sitting at my computer.

We flew out Sunday morning, on a crowded Jet Blue flight. The funny thing about flying to Puerto Rico? Almost everyone on our plane was FROM Puerto Rico. I'm not sure what they were all doing in Connecticut (sitting in traffic? sightseeing...something?), but they were headed home. And we were going with them.

I was deeply engrossed (and laughing my ass off!) at Jenny Lawson's "Let's Pretend This Never Happened", and annoyingly interrupted by the flight attendant who felt the compulsive need to keep talking to us...twice.

First, he'd interrupt me to say his spiel in English. Then I'd settle back into my book. Then, I'd be dragged fro my book again when he'd repeat the whole thing in Spanish. 

Upon landing, the pilot's voice crackled overhead. "Welcome to Puerto Rico!" And the plane erupted in applause. Applause! Mr. KK and I were all 'wtf is this? a Vegas show???' while the people around us cheered and clapped.

And, of course, the flight attended HAD to repeat everything the pilot said, in Spanish.

"Just thing, when he's done, they'll all applause in Spanish this time." I said to Mr. KK.

See? Isn't it comforting to know that I packed my sense of humor for the trip? And good thing, since we had about 6 hours of sunshine the whole time, and a whole lotta rain.

Side note: Don't you love it when you're on vacation in the Caribbean, and it's raining, but you're still wearing your bathing suit anyway because the downpour might pass and the sun just MIGHT miraculously pop out of the black cloud over head, and you're at the hotel bar having too many mojitos because really, what the hell else is there to do??, and you're complaining about the rain on your first vacation with your husband alone in FOUR YEARS and the waiter overhears you and says with a smirk, 'Well, we ARE only 30 minutes from a rain forest' and then looks at you like you're crazy because the sun isn't going to come out tomorrow...or the day after that.

Clouds and rain aside, we had a great time. And I did manage to capitalize on the sun we did have, so I have a slight glow to me and my skin's no longer the color of winter.

We stayed in Old San Juan with its charm and cobblestone streets, away from the chain hotels and beaches. It's a beautiful place, with delicious food and friendly people.

the architecture was amazing (vacation nerd alert!)

our hotel, El Convento. big thumbs up!

a typical street in Old San Juan.

look! quickly! it's sunny!

there are cats EVERYWHERE. and signs not to feed them. 
because apparently they want San Juan littered in dead cats.

there I am, learning on vacation. check out those clouds!

1 comment:

T Sandblom said...

too funny!

reading same book...was going to recommend to you, but of course you are all over it!