Due to the inclement weather, I worked from on Friday. But it was hard to get anything done being home all day with this distracting cuteness:
Friday night Mr. KK and I relaxed with cocktails and appetizers, then settled in with a bottle of vino and yummy shrimp risotto.
Saturday we drove to Mystic to meet friends for lunch. It's been almost a year since we've seen them, so we had so much to catch up on. As usual, we out-lunched everyone else in the restaurant, and finally left when we couldn't take the dirty looks the waitstaff were giving us. But oh! What is better than afternoon cocktails and a warm, toasty lobster roll???
On Sunday I was going to make a trip to a specialty grocery store because they had sea bass on sale. (Yes, I probably spent more in gas than I was saving on the fish, but so what?) In thinking I was doing a good deed, I asked my mother-in-law if she'd like to come. She then asked her sister-in-law to come along. Then, upon telling MY mother where we were going and hearing her devastated "Oh" response for not being part of the group, I invited HER along for the ride. So what should have been a quick trip to the store for fish and bananas, turned into a 3.5 hour shopping extravaganza where I spent $75. WTF?
And then Sunday afternoon I got this call:
GRAM: "Can you look someone's age up on the internet?"
KK: "Yes. Sometimes."
GRAM: "Can you look up my lady friend's age? I was talking to her the other day and she mentioned she was going to be 88 on her next birthday. But I KNOW she had her 90th birthday a few years ago. Can you find out how old she is?"
So, my grandmother wants me to go all Sherlock Holmes for her to prove to her friend that she doesn't know her own age. Um, okay.
GRAM: "Ok. Her name is Josephine Bigilante."
KK: "How do you spell it?"
GRAM: "J-O-S.."
KK: "No...her last name."
GRAM: "Oh. B-I-G-I-L-A-N-T-E. That's how I spell it. Is that right?"
KK: "I don't know if it's right. I don't even know who she is."
GRAM: "Can you look it up for me? I know she's over 90."
So – surprise, surprise – Gram's lady friend isn't on the internet. When I told this to my mother she said to me, "Couldn't you find her age through Facebook?"
My response: "Um, I'm pretty sure Josephine isn't on Facebook. She's 88-92 years old, for God's sake."
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