And I love that these emails are personalized, too. You know my job criteria based on searches that I’ve done with you, and you send me these emails with jobs that are JUST FOR ME.
Now, I don’t want to sound ungrateful – because lord knows in this economy a girl could use all the help she could get to find a new gig – but I’m wondering what the hell you are thinking when you send me some of these jobs.
I mean, I feel like you don’t know me AT ALL.
I am a writer. I work in the advertising and marketing field. You know this. You've committed this to memory. You know what type of job I’m looking for.
So why is it, CareerBuilder, that you send me jobs like this:

And my personal favorite:

Perhaps a little refocus on my skill set and interests.
Looking forward to the next email.
I want to be a VP of Global Marketing! I have no idea what it is, but it sounds wicked-cool! Dr. Vet-Friend said we should place ads offering to be CEO of some Fortune 500 company, because the WaMu guy was only in the job for 15 days and got a multi-million severance when they failed. We couldn't do worse than that! A cool million a year, and we'd be very laid-back about severance, too. But we won't work more than a month, and not very hard at that!
Hahaha oh career builder...I signed up just yesterday on that site and I'm looking forward to all of the completly random results they will find for me as well!
I actually am in marketing right now too, but want to get more into the advertising side of things...if you have any advice I would greatly appreciate it (jyandbb[@]gmail[dot]com)!
I used career builder before and had similar results. It's even funnier because I eventually got a job with the company that owns career builder, and the job wasn't listed on the site.
that is awesome. i think you should give the surgeon gig a shot...who knows maybe they'll overlook the fact you haven't attended med school. thanks for the laugh.
Oh and check out my latest post- you'll like it.
lmao .. well I am in the market for a good orthopedic surgeon ... if you decide to go for it, let me know
I think you should apply for the orthopedic surgeon position and see if they notice. I bet the pay is good. LOL
ha! I get those same emails from Career Builder, but they aren't as exciting as yours. I get temporary jobs. hmmm I wonder what that says about me....
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